Lilo’s weird chilling posture 😅

Lilo’s weird chilling posture 😅

I’ve Decided…

I’ve decided I’m going to get back to living my life as much as possible. As close to “normal” as possible. My twitches came on 19 days ago. This followed an immense health anxiety scare where I became obsessed neurological potential issues. To the point where before I started twitching - I was ordering grip meter detectors, nicotine gum (I don’t smoke) and reading everything under the sun about the big bad. Then laying in bed one night - boom. Calf twitches and it spread like wildfire. I’ll also add that I had been about 2-3 weeks removed from getting over some viral infection that got me sick - as well as everyone at a wedding I had been attending. I spent days crying non stop. Impending doom hanging over my head. It impacted my work. My significant other. My family. Everyone. About 3 weeks into this thing, I’ve decided I’m not going to allow it to consume my mind anymore. I went out a few times this week and noticed things seem to improve when I stay busy. My twitching has significantly decreased since the onset - but is still very much present. I’m sure I’ll have my bad days flare up again, but I’ve decided until something undeniably flares up in relation to the big bad, I’m just going to keep living life. This isn’t goodbye to this sub - I’ll continue to monitor posts as I’m a bit intrigued by this phenomenon. But just wanted to share as this has been a roller coaster of a journey in such a short span of time

LC Rolling Stones Spacer 3mm us8

$300 on mercari, seller is yet to get back to me about weight but how’s it looking?

Support is Callback Hell

I have requested a static IP. I'm a software engineer and I run some things from home, so it would be nice to have since it is directly public and stable. Getting it to operate is... A whole different story. Lumos's primary job is routing IP data. They can't seem to figure out how to setup a static IP. I have the information, which can't be emailed to you but only read off over a phone. I drop it into the router, and the internet dies. Go back to DHCP, and I at least have internet access. It's been a whole week of "We'll have someone call you back". Then they call at the worst time, so I can't answer or I'm not home. Then by the time I do what they asked and it doesn't work... again... I have to start again at level 1 filing requests for me to get called back. In software we have this phrase of "callback hell", particularly in JavaScript. Will, Lumos said, "Hey, that's a nifty term. What if we make it literal?" Because that's all their support is, callback hell. Service has been solid so far in the week and few days since we got hooked up. But their customer support is a true nightmare for anything that isn't fixed with a reboot.

Tigrigna baby names

What’s your favorite baby names for a girl and boy? 💗💙

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

Out On Sick Leave

I work for a small company in SF Bay Area. I have a chronic illness that flares up from time to time. Usually I can get the flare under control and be back at work missing no more than a day or two. I always use PTO for those sick days. This current flare has me out from 01/27-03/05. I found out my employer paid insurance was canceled on 02/01 and I only found out while trying to make an appointment with the doctor. Employer tells me it has something to do with me not working enough hours to qualify for coverage. Our broker is pushing me to cobra. That's fine and I can afford it thanks to SDI but why so I being punishished for being sick? Is this legal? Is cobra even an option for me? My employer is acting as if his hands are tied. I'm not fired or laid off. I'm officially on sick leave (unpaid).

Traveling by airplane with a 30lb Frenchie from US to Mexico

Hi everyone, I’m looking into taking my 30 lb boy with me to Mexico in a few months from now. I have basically 2 different airlines: United Airlines and Volaris. They both say in their website the carrier must be about 17.5 in long. While there is no restriction on weight with united, I don’t think my Frenchie will be happy to fly about 4 hours in that small of a carrier. What’s your experience? Can you take them with you and once you are seated you can open up the carrier so they can stretch? Any recommendations? Volaris looks like they have a max weight of 26 lb so that might not be an option for me.

"> Hi everyone, I’m looking into taking my 30 lb boy with me to Mexico in a few months from now. I have basically 2 different airlines: United Airlines and Volaris. They both say in their website the carrier must be about 17.5 in long. While there is no restriction on weight with united, I don’t think my Frenchie will be happy to fly about 4 hours in that small of a carrier. What’s your experience? Can you take them with you and once you are seated you can open up the carrier so they can stretch? Any recommendations? Volaris looks like they have a max weight of 26 lb so that might not be an option for me.

Ffxvi was an ok game

Weatherstripping on new door

We had this new Thermatru door installed and then got ghosted by the installer. There is a little light shinning through on the opening side of the door. I’ve adjusted the sill and installed corner sealing pads but the light is still visible. There is also no extra weatherstripping at the top such that I could move it down a little. Any ideas?

Are there any Amazon / Ring products with CCTV playback functionality? (24/7, not only when motion is detected)

Hi all. I'm very new to Ring products. I have a doorbell system and that's it. For security reasons I'm looking for a 24/7 CCTV system that I can play back whenever I want. I'm not looking for cameras that only let you watch back your feed when motion is detected. Does Amazon / Ring offer anything like this? I have a set of off-brand ones that are very low quality and I want to upgrade to something more reliable. Thanks!

Help, terrible fixtures

No free hit, what should i do?

"> No free hit, what should i do?

Im from usa, please stop asking

Beyoncé wearing custom Roberto Cavalli for preview gala dinner for the Wild: Fashion Untamed” exhibition hosted by Roberto Cavalli at the Met in 2004

Today is the 65 year anniversary of Andy Taylor, and Opie too, debuting on The Danny Thomas Show before later that year becoming main characters on The Andy Griffith Show. What are your fave sitcom episodes with a character who debuted on one show but soon became a main character on another show?

Week 8: Something Blue - Macarons w/ Homemade Blue Frosting. I used the cabbage water method to make blue food dye and then made a buttercream frosting.

Italy - Fino a 15€ di ricarica omaggio se passi a Very usando BQKJ4Z4H

Fino a 15€ di ricarica omaggio per te se porti il tuo numero in Very Mobile con il codice amico **BQKJ4Z4H** Vai sul sito di verymobile e inseriscilo cliccando su *Hai un codice amico?* al momento della scelta del metodo di pagamento. Ricevi una ricarica da 15€ se porti il tuo numero da Iliad, CoopVoce, Fastweb e altri gestori virtuali (elenco completo sul sito)

Mountain view

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.


Got myself another new Outback yesterday in my fav color. I hope this CVT lasts forever /s

enjoy your weekend guys 😝

"> enjoy your weekend guys 😝

Persistence of Memory Theme

I feel like the theme of the show, and this episode in particular, is loss and remembrance in the face of loss. The funeral, where Dylan affectionately remembers tidbits about Irv. The ending scene where Mark sees Ms. Casey/Gemma and she whispers wellness facts about him. If we see the scene as “real,” is it possible that fond memories she has of him in their life together (listens to music while shaving but not showering) are what remain in her consciousness because of the strong emotion they brought on in her when she first observed them? I am saying, when I notice someone I love doing something uniquely endearing, I have an emotional response (like the refiners do with the numbers). Maybe the emotions/feelings that are strongest (her love for Mark) are what remain for Gemma and that is how she is able to communicate with him and connect in the hallway, by retrieving and noting those strong emotional memories? Even if, sadly, nothing else is left in her mind, the emotional images of him persist becuase of the strong feelings attached to them? When I wanted to name this post, I thought, “the Persistence of Memory,” then that rang a bell and I googled it. It’s the title of a well known Salvador Dali painting (others may have already noticed this but for me it was a wow moment) with a creature that looks a lot like that dead seal we’ve been wondering about from the previous episode. What do you think about the persistence of memory in severed individuals and about the reference to Dali’s “memories” monster?

Aoi tubes

Are these tubes ok to be resting on the power cables?

"> Are these tubes ok to be resting on the power cables?

The grim future

All of this has me thinking, and I’ve come to the unfortunate realization that this is the end of Latent. Not only in terms of the show facing backlash, but even if everything dies down tomorrow, why would any big names join Samay on IGL? A big appeal of the show, at least to me, has been the variety of known faces as judges. Faces from DHH, to Indian comedy, to television to content creators. But who would risk being associated with it now? Especially if you are a mainstream artist, or your target audience is wide like Ranveer’s. The reality is that everyone has to look out for themselves, and the fear of losing your livelihood in an instant is all too real. Rebel Kid was just dropped as a promoter of IIFA and no one famous will touch BeerBiceps’ podcast with a ten foot pole. Sony is never calling somebody like Samay back, and it isn’t long before brands start dropping these folks. I don’t see why someone like Yuzvendra Chahal would ever want to be in a position like this. I see this going two ways, either Samay just works within the comedian community, with folks like Ashish Solanki and even then, has to tone down his content, or he has to join the bandwagon of OTT and gives up creative freedom. Even other comedians will now think twice before having a joke aired. Everyone knew there were taboo topics like religion and politics, but now the list might be endless. Overall, I see this all boiling down to everything going back to “Big Media” control. I don’t like to speculate too much on this conspiracy theory (although I do believe it to be likely true). But this leads to curbing of creative freedom, and I fear the damage has been done. IGL isn’t coming back. I still believe that Samay will make a comeback, he’s just too witty and will figure out his next move. Although I always found BeerBiceps to be weird, I still enjoyed him talking with people I wanted to see. I feel it will be tough for him to make a comeback as strong. He’ll definitely have to lean in to the spiritual side, but people may now consider that a farce. At the end of the day, the Indian community only deserves Kapil Sharma humor.

My favorite winter daily ❄️🇩🇪

[H] Battlenet balance (WoW, Diablo, Avowed, Hearthstone, Call of Duty, Overwatch) [W] 75% Paypal

Anything I'm able to gift from the Blizzard store, any of the WoW in game items/game time, a lot of stuff from Hearthstone or any of the Activison/Blizzard titles you see on the site including but not limited to CoD, Avowed Diablo 4 / War Within! Lower rep goes first, thanks! PLEASE NOTE THAT WITH MOST ITEMS ON THE BATTLE.NET STORE THERE IS A REQUIREMENT WE MUST BE 'FRIENDS' THROUGH THE BATTLENET APP FOR 72 HOURS BEFORE I AM ABLE TO GIFT ANYTHING! PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE ON REDDIT DO NOT ADD ME ON STEAM THANK YOU :D Steam Game Swap feedback:

Can't find a campsite available inside the park

Might be a stupid question but I can't find any campsite available inside the park. I looked last month too and it wasn't available even back then, am I too delusional thinking I'll have a chance finding a campsite available in these dates? Or am I doing something wrong? When I checked specific campsites it just says C-(closure) in every date for the month

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